Sunday 18 October 2020

My Vision Quest ~ Fire insight

In the Creatively Fit Coaching Training this week, I am guiding the new coaches in fanning the flame of their sacred spark, the FIRE element, by beginning a personal painting practice that is like meditation or energy work.

I  was super excited to get going back when I first did the training; I was finally going to learn how to paint! Little did I know that besides learning this painting made easy technique, I would also become equipped with a powerful mindfulness tool that would sharpen my awareness into the art that is my life.

As I  painted layer upon layer, I  began to feel the joy of creating with the freedom I longed for. Without fear of judgment or criticism. No longer seeking external approval and validation. I could paint and create anything I wanted at the canvas, with a regular painting practice and some persistence,  anything is possible!

After regular practice in my studio, I began to understand that just like I could make changes on the canvas... so too changes could be made in my life. I began to realise that the story that I tell about my life, was just that... a story!  And I did not have to use the colours that life dealt me... I now knew how to mix any colour, and to choose the colours that makes me happy!

I discovered that the canvas is a portal to my life, and I can apply the methods of painting used in this course as a coaching metaphor to help understand how to set goals and achieve them.

Do you paint? Would a blank canvas make you nervous, excited or scared? Are you ready to ignite a fire of passion and create a painting practice of your own?

Please share and continue to look out for more inspiration and deeper insights as we continue on our Vision Quest into
the element of Fire.

#Gideonslight #artist #creatifelyfitcoach #lifecoach #arttherapist #mindfulnesspractitioner #counselor #fire #visionquest #paintingmadeeasy

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