Thursday, 1 October 2020

My Creatively Journey Up Until Now


It was during the darkest and loneliest part of my life that I finally realised how powerful and effective creative expression was for me. I had just lost my best friend of nearly 20 years, I was single, living alone and I was working at a place where I didn't fit in, and my self worth was at the lowest point in my life.

During therapy and because of personal development courses I learnt that making art and being creative was a personal value that I have been neglecting because of a limiting belief that I was not an artist. I loved to play with colour on a canvas, and tried many times throughout my life to take up painting,  but because I had no idea how to realise my vision on the canvas, I didnt take it up as a serious hobby. 

It was durung this dark stage that I had this insight, that I felt drawn to the canvas and began to play with this medium on a regular basis. Soon I began to feel better, and my art started to look better as my confidence grew.


The canvas is a porthole into your life! As I began to spend more regular time at the canvas, I became aware of subtle changes in my personality. I became less defensive, I became more socially interactive and I also started to feel better and sleep better.

Up until this point I was a TV addict, suffering from anxiety and depression and I was dealing with obesity (Diabetes type 2).

I realised that I wanted to live a better life and my art made me realise that there was a lot of unfulfilled potential within me. I recognised that I have the capacity to be nurturing and caring, and began to get involved at a Lifeline community counselling and support centre. Here I learnt a lot about myself and I began to work on myself rather than to continue playing the victim in the story of my life. I began to claim my personal power back before I even knew that is what i was doing.

I felt inspired to organise and host an art exhibition and auction to raise funds for the counselling centre.

I created the "Art with Heart" event and decided to lead by example and paint something beautiful that could be added to the exhibition, not at all certain how much its sale would be able to contribute to the cause.

It's funny how when you dive deep into life so much is given back to you...

While I was painting the water lilly for the "Art with Heart" auction, I met my husband to be, and this Divine romance entered the stage of my barren life.

Everything began to change for me!

My painting fetched the highest auction price for the evening at R7500! This absolutely blew me away! My painting?!

I was not even a professional artists and amongst 12 other "professional artists" who donated artwork my creation,  ending a very successful evening with a bidding war, fetched the highest price!

I will never forget how I felt when I  came home that evening. Elated! I felt recognised and validated as an artist! Obviously I had it in me to paint a pretty picture.

But now I needed more!

Enter the Creatively Fit Coaching Certificate course with Whitney Freya, and the very first thing I learned was that...


That just blew my mind.

My husband and I enrolled in this certificate course with Whitney shortly after we got married and I had just began my own business as a hairstylist.

During this time I completed training in counselling and in Logotherapy (a meaning centred therapy ) and the student (me) was now ready for the teacher to appear.

The Creatively Fit Coaching Certificate course with Whitney Freya changed my life forever.

This intensive program took me to the canvas daily for a very challenging 6 month programme that proved to me that I am an artist.

It was a very powerful moment during the course where I finally saw this truth in myself and I finly gave myself permission to step into that role. I am an artist! And from that point forward the art that is my life and my artwork exploded into a depth of beauty and joy that I have only dreamed of experiencing. 

Today I am a certified Creatively Fit Life Coach and I am busy with my degree in modern applied psychology. My husband and I created the "Go Beyond" personal growth experiential training based on the principles of the CCFC training as well as Logotherapy.

Up until this point I have created an online academy and have offered numerous in person workshops along with my husband. I am currently a CCFC course guide and plan to take my virtual school and YouTube channel further through regular offerings.


I want to invite you to follow me as I begin my role today as a course guide. Share in my musings and witness the amazing power and potential when we allow ourselves to be the creative director of our lives.

Use my linktree link to follow me on all my platforms.

May your life canvas become the mirror today so you can recognise the reflection of your own beautiful rainbow 🌈  Soul!

If you want to receive personal one-on-one coaching or you are interested to host a Go Beyond event at your home, feel free to contact me. Or perhaps you also feel the call to join the Rainbow 🌈 Warrior tribe and train to become a Creatively Fit Coach? My link below is a porthole to that possibility!

Stay colourful!

Gideon Busquét-Craucamp.
Creatively fit coach
Life coach
Art therapist
Mindfulness Coach

Linktree porthole

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