Monday, 19 November 2018

Why is this present moment the best time to get started?

Well these is no better time than now, and procrastination and putting things off to some future date seems to be the biggest self sabotaging action you can take. The only thing is, no one has to know. Because you don’t openly share your goals and desires with a larger circle, so you don't take the accountable actions steps required,  because no one knows that you are sabotaging your own goal list except you.

Here is the thing. I know you get bombarded with information all day long, and great offers and opportunities come along when we think we don’t have time or the resources to fully engage in them... and we think that we will get back to it at a more convenient time in the future... but you and I both know that that rarely happens... unless of course you are reading this and you are the 1 person that actually takes action and set a reminder to enrol in this course at a particular time in the future when you know will be convenient... but I  doubt it. 

Most people simply won’t do that. And that is why I  am writing to you today to encourage you to take action on your goals and bucket lists, because the nature of our modern world does not allow you to deviate from the boring modus operandi. Day in and day out. Monday to Friday. Live for the weekend. And so we spend our lives year in and year out believing that this is what living is all about. Sad but true isn't it?

Art, hobbies and other interest unfortunately falls into those categories that land up in the miscellaneous folders. Its things we reserve for when we retire or when we happen to find time for it in our crazy lives. This email serves the purpose to remind you that if you don’t make the time to enjoy the things that makes you happy, you simply will never have the time. And trust me when I say that most old people that I work with have only one thing they have to deal with besides their health and limited time and that is REGRET.
Today you have one of those opportunities. Did you know that a mere 10 years ago the medium of online schools didn’t exist? Here is the solution you have been waiting for!  Now you can work on those hobbies and art interests at your own time! Now you don’t have to use the only 15 days leave you have available that you really want to spend sitting in the beach on a course at some workshop, being accused by your family and friends of being selfish. Now the teacher comes to you on your smartphone or tablet and at a time that suits you! And what’s even better, is that you can review your entire curriculum when ever it suits you. What’s more is that the course and all of its contents is yours for life! Isn’t that incredible?
I truly believe that personal development and growth sector has entered the future and can only get better now that education and skills development is in the palm of your hand via your smartphone and at a very affordable price! And what is more is that enrolment and navigating the teachable platform is child's play! A few easy taps and your done.
Armed with this information I am inviting you to check out my online school today and to consider to enrol in a watercolour art class with me. I will be launching various subjects and topics next year, but most of them will require that you complete my INTRODUCTION TO WATERCOLOUR BASICS course first to lay a foundation in skills that you will need. At this present moment this course is presented free of charge, but this will not always be the case!
So here is the biggest reason why this present moment is the best time to take action. On the 3rd of December my courses will open for early bird enrolment and for 3 days only both courses will be available absolutely for free, giving you lifetime access to these two courses in watercolour. The first course is the introduction course and the second is: “learn to paint the Orca killer whale in watercolour.” Both courses are valued at over R500 each, but if you grab this opportunity you will get both for free! Go ahead and mark your diary to save the date for the 3rd of December to make full use of this once in a lifetime opportunity!

I’m looking forward to seeing you then!
Look out for my live broadcast on Facebook and YouTube later today!
Yours sincerely
Gideon Busquét-Craucamp
Aka. Gideonslight

Online school:

Facebook page:

YouTube channel:

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