Monday, 16 December 2019

Setting healthy boundaries...

Why boundaries are a necessary aspect to maintaining healthy relationships in business and in life.  By Gideon Busquét-Craucamp 

I have been accused recently of having "tough" terms and conditions in my business. I think the term used was "unrealistic". Here is the thing; personal and business terms and conditions or in other words "boundaries" are exactly that. They are clearly defined parameters set up to protect the business owner or the individual from people who are selfish and self centred.

Now I don't mean this in an ugly way or to insult anyone. We all have a self centred mindset and that's ok. We cannot always be aware of what other people's boundaries are... but when you have been informed and you still choose to push those boundaries regardless, then you are being a bully!

It seems that bullying doesn't just happen on the school grounds, it is happening all around us every day. Where did you think children learn such behaviour anyway? Monkey see monkey do... and that's a fact. So it is our responsibility as parents and as adults to set the example of healthy boundaries in our relationships both professionally and at home.

The setting of boundaries are a timeless strategy in order to protect your interests, values and personal space. Boundaries however are not set up for other people's convenience or for their comfort. It is there to ensure a peaceful co-existence. It is there to ensure you don't get "bullied" into giving in to every person's whim, who tries to make demands on your way of life.

Boundaries are a form of self respect. Think of how you feel when you say "yes" when you mean "no". How does it feel when people make important decisions without consulting you, and then expect you to simply comply? These are all good examples of why healthy boundaries should be in place, ready to be communicated and enforced, in your day to day living.

In coaching clients on a daily basis, I have noticed that few people understand the value of having clear boundaries, never mind how to enforce it. So in light of my own recent experience I feel inspired to share my insights into this helpful resource in maintaining a stable and peaceful relationship environment, both at work and at home.

1. Learn to say "no"!

One of the first things that I suggest you work on, is to say "no". For some reason this is one if the hardest things for people to do... especially when it comes to clients. There is a common belief that saying "no" to unreasonable request or demands from clients are unprofessional or even rude.

There is an underlying fear that saying "no" to demanding clients will result in conflict with the client or worse, loosing the client all together and their financial support. I always ask: "Is it worth it to compromise your boundaries and emotional wellbeing for a client like this who is really just being a bully?"

Some people are worth loosing in the end, because you are able to maintain your wellbeing and equilibrium, and it also opens space up for people who do respect your boundaries.

Whether in personal relationships or in business you need to get very clear within yourself about your personal values and ethics to understand what you are willing to compromise on and what not. Once you have a clear understanding of what is negotiable and what isn't, it will be easier for you to say "no" when the request excess the limits of your boundaries.

If you say "yes" when you mean "no", a compromise like that, leave you feeling robbed of your personal power and it has adverse effects on your wellbeing and your relationships.

Think of all the people in your life that you avoid when they call or if you see them in public places. These are people that you have made constant compromises with and you have neglected your personal boundaries.

Avoidance is a clear indication of a compromised relationship! So if you have a number of people on your internal "avoid at all cost" list, then you know that you need to work on your boundaries!

An exception to this is when you have chosen to push people outside of your circle of acceptance simply because they have repeatedly broken your boundaries and violated your trust. Even if you have forgiven them for constantly hurting you, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are welcome back in your inner circle.

2. Boundaries helps to manage expectations.

When we set clear boundaries with our personal and business relationships, it helps to manage expectations from the people we have in our lives. One of my business mottos are "under promise and over deliver!"

One of the worst things you can do is to create expectations by making promises you cannot possibly fulfil. Be very mindful of what you can deliver in any situation and you will always succeed in managing expectations this way.

One of the worst things you can do is to agree to favours or to attempt to fulfill expectations from a person that compromises your integrity. You should never put yourself on fire for the comfort of others.

So make sure what is expected from you, by asking questions and clarifying any aspects of those expectations that you feel uncomfortable with. It is always better to clarify before you begin to go down a path where you might run into trouble or worse, fail to deliver what you have promised. It is very hard to come back from a dissapointment and once you are in a position like that boundaries are usually the last thing that remain standing.

3. Boundaries helps you to steer clear of unnecessary drama and can help to resolve conflict faster.

It will always be your responsibility to clearly communicate your boundaries, especially with new people entering your life, or when you notice that someone is pushing your limitations. It is however not your responsibility how people receive and interpret this information. How people respond is their issues. You don't ever need to try and fix that too!

Once everyone is informed of your boundaries, it becomes easier to maintain a stable sense of feeling empowered. This clarity in communication is usually enough to keep your life relatively drama free. But unfortunately it is in our nature as humans to test boundaries, and if you have children you will know what I mean.

So when you find yourself in the situation where boundaries are being tested, that is the moment when you must reinforce them with clear communication.

For example a personal boundary might be not to entertain house guests on a week night. A friend shows up with a bottle of wine on your doorstep with the expectation to have a party, but it's Tuesday evening 7pm and the kids are in the bath.

The best way to enforce your boundaries will be to thank them for their unexpected visit, but to postpone it to Friday night when it is appropriate and to inform them that you prefer not to drink and socialize on a week night.

A good friend who respects your boundaries will understand and reschedule for the preferred Friday night visit. Someone who doesn't respect your boundaries will insist in coming in and opening the wine... or will continually show up on a week night unannounced.

These people need a boundary reinforcement message, and in the future a behavioral reinforcement message might be to simply not open the door. They will get the message eventually!

Again it is helpful to know how far you are willing to compromise and if you are being tested on boundaries that are not negotiable.

Do not be afraid to walk away from situations or people that test you beyond your limits. Stay true to your boundaries, and remember in those moments why you have them in the first place. Remind yourself that "no", is a full sentence. You don't have to clarify or justify your decision to anyone.

4. Reasons why people struggle with boundaries.

Everyone has a unique conflict style. Some people thrive in high conflict scenarios while others like myself prefer to be a peacemaker. For years I have really struggled with conflict and my life seemed to be filled with drama.

I've been bullied my entire high school career, and nobody ever recognised that I needed help with setting boundaries or showed me how to stand up for myself. This created a co-dependent personality type that would have me attract friends and partners (as well as clients in my early career) into my life that would make me feel safe on the one side, but would always push my boundaries to oblivion when they wanted me to fulfill their needs at a cost to myself.

My personal breakthrough came when I learned this simple trick of creating boundaries and beginning to enforce them one bit at a time. In a way it is like a small country expanding it's borders to allow for more space within itself.

The more you grow within your boundaries and hold your ground, the more space you find within your internal landscape. This brings more clarity and even more courage to enforce more boundaries that is required in order to develop a state of wellbeing and equanimity.

But this didn't happen overnight and it certainly wasn't always easy. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. But it's certainly not impossible.

The best way to work on personal boundaries is to begin with the small easy stuff. Practice with that. Soon you will see that the card house doesn't collapse when you begin by saying "no" to the easy stuff. Then you will grow in your courage to tackle the bigger stuff, and before long you will be a lighthouse of personal strength and integrity.

But I will not sugar coat it for you, there will be days when you fail. There will be people that press your wrong buttons. There will be challenges, but you should never view these as insurmountable obstacles... but rather see it as opportunity to grow and get better at setting boundaries.

5. When to compromise and when not to...

Sometimes it may be necessary to compromise in order for a situation to be resolved. The important part is not to be pushed to make compromises that you are not comfortable with. It is important therefore to know what you are willing to compromise on and which values or moral points you are absolutely not willing to compromise with.

It's usually a good thing to always ask yourself, if what you are asked to compromise on, will cause you or anyone involved any harm. If the answer is yes, then you should walk away immediatly to maintain your position.

If nobody, including yourself, is being harmed, then you must ascertain wether the compromise you are about to make will be a once-off or a repeating event... and if it will be an on-going situation, you must ask yourself if you can live with it repeating or not.

Don't be bullied into making decisions in a hurry. Taking your time to reflect on important decisions is a boundary in itself. If you can't decide right now it might be a good idea to ask for time to consider all the aspects of the decision and the consequences of the decision.

Don't feel bad to ask a friend you trust for their input and opinion. Once you have determined that you are willing to compromise or not, communicate that decision and then stand by it. Don't back off. If you keep giving in to a repeat offender, all you are doing is giving your power away, and feeling worse because of it. So once you have drawn the line in the sand be willing to stand by it. You might be pleasantly surprised on how a situation works out for the best in the end anyway.

6. Ways to communicate boundaries.
Boundaries need not be communicated aggressively or in complicated legal documents. Like I have said earlier the best way to begin is to set a clear intention to say "no" when you mean "no". This sincere expression supported by congruent behaviour will speak volumes in defining personal boundaries.

Begin with small issues with good friends and family. Communicate that you intend to work on your personal boundaries and ask your family and friends to support you by respecting your decisions during the initiation process. But I remind you that sometimes it will be up to you, to remain strong.

Get clear about your personal values as this will go a long way towards clarifying what is important for you and where or when you are willing to "go with the flow".

In business it helps to draw up boundaries by means of a terms and conditions of service delivery document that you can attach to appointment confirmation with clients, and maybe a introduction email that you can share with new clients that enter your business. Be willing to experiment a bit with this until you find a way that works for you.

Once this is drawn up I find that clients tend to be mindful and respectful of your terms and you can get back to doing what you do best.

My advice to you as I wrap this up, is to take it one day at a time. Trial an error can only make you stronger and wiser. Never be too hard on yourself. Remember that people come into your life for a reason, a season and very few for a lifetime.

So don't be scared to try a few boundaries in your life. Yes, not everyone will like it, but the ones that do are the guide posts that will show you that you too are worthy. You are allowed to be happy and you can live a life free from emotional vampires and drama queens.

So go out and live an empowered life. Set some boundaries and thrive!

If you found this blog empowering and helpful, please share it with a friend. If you want one-on-one help with creating personal boundaries in your life you can make an appointment with me for personal coaching. Simply message me to set up a session.

Gideon Busquét-Craucamp
Gideonslight Hair, Art and Soul
Saline Allure
142A Tecoma street

By appointment only!
☎️ 0794965407

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Festive gift ideas and year end message.

It is with deep gratitude that I enter the last month of 2019. This year was such a blessing I cannot begin to count them... but I will look back and mention some of the highlights.

But first, before I do that, I want to mention that if you are still looking for Christmas gift ideas, look no further! I have the solution to many of your Christmas shopping needs both for yourself and your friends. 

First up is my *Gift Voucher. You can buy a friend or family member a gift voucher from me for any of my hair or coaching services ranging from a haircut to my deluxe hair and scalp spa treatment valued at R350. Or why not sponsor an amount towards a pamper or makeover? 

I will send you a pdf voucher that you can forward to the recipient or you can print it out and present it in an envelope with a nice hand made card! Just let me know that you are interested in purchasing a voucher and I will get you set up. *Terms and conditions do apply to all my vouchers!

Then all of my artworks of the last two years are on sale now with a massive discount of between 50 - 70%! If you are interested to get a beautiful work of art as a Christmas gift, then here is your chance! Just have a look at the container on the reception desk at Salon Allure!

In supporting me through buying my art works, you empower me to get new art materials that in turn allows me to continue to grow in my art skills. This way I can continue to bring beautiful art to you, at a very affordable price.

There is something to be said about artwork that are handmade vs prints... the energy that is captured during the making of artwork is tangible and it will continue to uplift and inspire its owner for years to come. A print of an artwork may be just as beautiful, but it has a clinical flat-line to it's vibration that can never allure the viewer as much as an original work of art...

My artwork is not framed because it saves you, the consumer a lot of money, and after all it is much more personal to choose your own frame based on your personal taste and budget rather than a framed piece that would add a lot of cost to the final product.

But believe me the frame is the final step to finishing off my hand painted artworks and it will reward you or a lucky loved one with many hours of joyful viewing.

So if you are looking for a unique Christmas gift that is hand made with love that won't blow your budget, look no further! 

Then a different gift idea is the NEW Davines Circle Chronicle Treatment "Restless Circle" that is now in stock. Using "Chia seeds" this deep nourishing treatment strengthen your tresses and improves the elasticity of your hair. 

It is formulated to be applied to your dry hair before you shampoo whilst engaging in another activity like going to the gym. So while you are getting stronger in your body, the treatment gets busy strengthening your hair.

A sachet retails for R145 and you can get 4-6 treatments out of one sachet! This cost effective treatment with travel smart packaging makes any CCT treatment a great gift idea this Christmas! Stock up now!

Then the Davines OI range now also features a "Hair butter" that deeply nourishes dry or coarse hair, leaving it soft, silky and shiny. The effects includes a reduction in frizz and static. The same signature OI perfume only adds to the decadent luxury of this must have treatment this Christmas! A tub retails for R480.

Did you know that the OI range also has an anti aging hand cream? This decadent hand moisturiser pamper cream will leave your hands silky smooth and soft but never greasy. A little bit goes a long way, and again the robust aluminium tube makes it travel safe and will keep well in any handbag. This too features the signature OI perfume that will leave you feeling uplifted and pampered. A tube retails for R380.

Now that I have given you some retail therapy and Christmas shopping ideas, I want to mention a few moments that made this year extra special. I am particularly grateful that I am completing my third year in self employment and without your loyal support, that would not have been possible.

I have expanded my services to include new Keratherapy smoothing and anti-frizz treatments, a whole new range of Demi-permanent haircolour and a wide selection of amazing hair treatments to keep your hair in peak condition.

I have gone on two amazing trips to Cape town and Bali and these memories will forever be special to me. This is also the third year that I was able to practice my art skills and take it to the next level. I am also particularly grateful for the few individuals who made use of my coaching services that managed to have personal breakthroughs, I am particularly proud of each one of you. Keep going beyond your perceived limitations!

Lastly, I am always grateful for every compliment and referral that you make in recognition of my hard work and efforts to bring you the best that I can all of the time, thank you.

Thank you again for your patronage and support. May 2020 be yet another year of amazing grace and beauty for all of us!

May you and your families have a blessed festive season and a happy new year! This is my prayer for each of you:

"May all sentient beings everywhere be happy, may all sentient beings everywhere be free from danger, may all sentient beings everywhere be healthy, may all sentient beings everywhere live with ease. Om Mane Padme Om!"



Ps: I am closing 21 December and will be open for business from the 7th of January 2020!

⏱Gideonslight salon business hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am  - 5pm
Friday: 9am  - 4pm
Saturday: 8am - 3pm
Sunday: Closed
Public Holiday: Closed
*by appointment only!

📃Terms and conditions apply! By making an appointment with me you automatically agree to the terms and conditions of Hair by Gideonslight at Salon Allure!

Yours sincerely,
Gideon Busquét-Craucamp
Master Stylist
Creative coach
📞 0794965407
By appointment only! Please leave a detailed voice message or Feel free to use whatsapp or messenger to book your appointment in the future! Voice notes are also welcome.

📍Salon Allure, 142A Tecoma street, Wonderboom, Pretoria, 0182.

Monday, 28 October 2019

Choosing love over fear in dark times.

Dear friends,
It's the end of October and it's also Halloween! Now before you close my blog and do something else,  I  know halloween is not a South-African tradition,  but you must admit, it is becoming more and more part of our culture whether you want to admit it or not. Watching American television has influenced our culture in massive ways. Most people don't really understand halloween because the aspect we focus on in South Africa,  is the party and costume culture and not so much the spiritual traditions. Most people know halloween as a season of scary visual material on the television and movie scene and think no more of it. 

Traditionally Halloween is a christian religious holiday set aside for fasting, prayer and vigils. According to Wikipedia...
"Halloween or Hallowe'en, also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in several countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. Wikipedia" and says:"Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31, and Halloween 2019 occurs on Thursday, October 31. The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts."

It is clear that this time of the year the veil between the living and the dead is at it's thinnest, and wether you believe it or not, it is a good practice to check your intentions and vibrational frequencies and set it to love rather than fear...

Why am I saying this? Clearly if we look around us the signs of fear and apathy is all around us. During other times of the year it might be easier to be resilient in the face of negativity,  but during halloween and the beginning of the last cycle of Mercury retrograde beginning also on 31 October till 20 November 2019, I feel compelled to share another bloggers ( insight into choosing love over fear in dark times to help you understand this amazing phenomenon from a biological perspective and also to connect the dots to our current local drought and global challenges we are facing as a humanity during the last days of 2019. 

Trust me this is a very uplifting read and one that will arm you with the knowledge and understanding of why choosing love as your default setting at this time and moving forward is so critical! My motivation to share this enlightening read is then also to challenge you to begin to filter what you share in your own circle of influence. Are you spreading the fear by sharing content on your social media networks that promotes fear, separation and ego entitlement,  or are you being the change that is needed to change our world?

I see so many people that become part of the fear machine, mindlessly sharing articles and videos that are based in fear rather than thinking about the vibration behind the content. Remember it takes the same amount of energy to be positive than it takes to be negative... in fact I do personally believe it takes less energy to be positive and love(open) based than fear(closed off) based! So if you are curious now about this perspective and how to become more love based in your biology... then read this blog shared here.
To read this article,  use this link below:

In other news, the Demi-permanent haircolour View has arrived in the salon and a few of my clients have experienced the benefits, shine and rich colour it provides. As we go forward, I will introduce all of you to it's magic.

New: coming in November are four new treatments,  first a new Circle Chronicle treatment called "Restless circle". This is an "invisible treatment " formulated to be used on your dry hair" before you go to gym or to sleep with because the longer you leave it in to work the stronger your hair becomes.  Made with Chia seeds this treatment improves elasticity and it fits in with your lifestyle to improve the condition while you get busy with other activities. A great one to add to your cosmetic bag for the beach this year! 

Then the the "OI Hair Butter" is a new edition to the OI range from Davines. This nourishing hair mask can also be used before you shampoo and after you conditioned your hair for an intense nourishing and deep moisturizing effect... just the thing needed for my clients who have dry or coarse hair and find that they need a bit more from the OI range!

Then the Alchemy range have five new colour additions in the funky pastel range. Colours can be mixed or used in various combinations for unique pastel effects on blonde hair. Colours are marine blue, teal, lavender, choral and pink. Let the FUN begin!

Lastly the Olaplex of Davines is also arriving in the salon. "ON-PROTECT" will change your opinion about the "plex" formulations forever! No longer unaffordable and results that could leave your hair feeling hard and grassy because of the protein overload! On-protect leaves your hair silky soft and uber strong and shiny. I cannot wait to share this all with you and hope it will be in the salon by the 2nd week of November....

2019 was truly a remarkable year in the hair product department of Davines! 

Lastly, please make sure that you have made your appointment for the crazy season, and remember that includes January 2020! The back to school/work season is crazy and to plan ahead for it ensures a smooth and stress free transition into the new year!

Until I see you soon, happy Halloween and stay blessed and for heaven's sake stop spreading the fears! Be the love! 💜😘


Monday, 7 October 2019

October my birthday month and fundraiser details...

Dear friends and clients,

October my birthday month is here and I am grateful to celebrate yet another blessed year in life and on our beautiful planet. For my birthday this year (13th) I  have created a fundraiser to contribute towards a non profit organisation and cause that is close to my heart - the environment and the planet...

I am asking everyone to make a small donation to help fund the incredible work of THE OCEAN CLEAN UP PROJECT that is working towards the cleaning up of our oceans world wide. Global warming is becoming  a tangible reality with each passing year, and I feel that each of us must do what we can to turn climate change around by taking responsibility and owning our own contribution towards this reality by means of our lifestyles and carbon footprint. Look at the following hashtags...
#fridaysforfuture #climatestrike

When you make a small donation even a mere R10 will go a long way towards reaching my goal of raising R3000 towards this cause, you will receive a receipt that you can add to your personal tax review and as you know all donations to registered NPO's is tax deductible. Good news right?

But I feel it shouldn't even be necessary for me to point  out financial benefits to your contributions... it should be a drive of your conscience and a moral one to see what you can do to be the change that is needed in our times. So I  thank each one in advance for making a donation from the bottom of my heart.

Please note that I will not receive any money or benefits from this fundraiser, all donations are managed via Facebook and is given directly to the NPO of my choice. I am simply the catalyst and ambassador for this cause through my birthday fundraiser.

Learn more about THE OCEAN CLEANUP  by clicking on the link.

If you would like to make a donation to my fundraiser... please visit my FACEBOOK PAGE here to donate.

In other news, my Davines Demi-permanent haircolour "View" stock has arrived in the salon, and this amazing colour service is available from now on... for now I  have limited stock, but as we go forward this will become a staple in my services to clients.

The clients that has experienced this wonderful conditioning colour are raving about this shine, richness and condition of their hair. Ask me more about it with your next salon visit!

Coming soon! The OI HAIR BUTTER, ON-PROTECT TREATMENT & 5 MORE ALCHEMIC SHADES (lavender,  marine blue, teal, choral & pink) WILL BE COMING INTO STOCK BEFORE YEAR END! Watch this space!

My price increase effective on 1st of October 2019 should not make you panic. All my prices have simply increased with R10. So if you paid R200 for a cut it will now be R210... not the end of the world! My rent goes up each year and my stock also just had it's annual price increase, and I always strive to keep costs as low as possible and within reason.

The good news is that my Weekday colour & HL *combo deals remains exactly the same price as before and will be available till the 30th of November 2019. So if that's not cause for celebrating then I don't know! 😂
*T's and C's apply!

If you still have not made your December and January appointments, please look at your diaries and let me know ASAP.  I am filling up fast around the public holiday in December as this is the time most people go on December leave. I will be available for appointments up and until the 21st of December. I will be away on leave until the 6th of January. Starting on the 7th, so book today to avoid disappointment!

Thank you for your support and patronage!

Stay healthy and blessed!


Gideonslight hair, art & soul trading at Salon Allure, 142a Tecoma street, Wonderboom, Pretoria.

Stockist of Davines & Keratherapy brands with a sustainable beauty policy.

Saturday, 17 August 2019

All things new and wonderful in September!

I am so excited to share with you all about the new and wonderful colour and anti-frizz treatments that will be available by me from the 23rd of August onwards.

First up is the amazing new #View Demi-permanent colour from Davines!

Benefits are:
View is the new tone-on-tone colour line with acidic pH that offers extraordinary shine and fullness to the hair.
It’s formulated respecting the environment, with 88% to 93% natural origin ingredients and 95% to 99% biodegradable ones.
- Does not modify natural melanins
- Vanishes in 15-20 washes
- Covers up to 50% of white hair

Next up: The Keratherapy range will henceforth replace my Amazonliss Brazilian and Botox treatments at the salon.

Since my last Brazilian treatment on the 6th of July I had an allergic reaction to the Brazilian treatment that I used to use. The continual exposure to Brazilian fumes over the last 12 years has finally caught up with me and caused Asmatic Bronchitis that could lead to chronic bronchitis if I don't make a plan now. The doctor actually recommended that I stop offering the Brazilian treatment completely, but after consulting my Davines representative, I found a replacement product that performs even better than its predecessor. 

The good news is that I will continue to provide you with high quality anti-frizz treatments with added benefits of immediately following a colour service and time saving formulas that is long lasting and very effective. Plus I don't have the adverse effects on my lungs and overall health. 

Here is a bit more information:

KERATHERAPY COLOR LOCK & SMOOTH is the hottest new service in professional salons today. 
This 2-in-1 formula should be used after all color or highlighting services to lock color in and prevent fading, or as a simple in-salon express keratin treatment providing frizz control.
• Works on all hair types for up to 4-6 weeks
• Replenishes natural keratin and collagen proteins that are lost over time 
• Reduces frizz and blocks humidity
• Locks in color, extends vibrancy and protects from fading
• Adds shine and softness
• Deeply penetrates the hair while smoothing and sealing the cuticle
• Provides an express keratin treatment service in less than an hour
• Add-on to all chemical services in just 20-25 extra minutes
• Safe for color-treated hair

KERATHERAPY BRAZILIAN RENEWAL (Replacement for traditional Brazilian)

KERATHERAPY BRAZILIAN RENEWAL is the most advanced keratin smoothing treatment available today. Especially effective on hair that is coarse, unruly, extremely curly or very resistant. 
• Maximum amount of curl reduction possible on all hair types without breaking bonds
• Delivers long-lasting nourishment and protection for up to 12-16 weeks
• Amazing shine and “no-frizz” smoothing for all types of hair
• Humidity protection
• Faster blow dry and finishing
• Lower cost per application than all of our major competitors
• Up to 75% less fumes than most competitors
• Safe for color-treated hair
• No wait time, clients can perform colour and Brazilian renewal on the same day! 

Please message me to book your treatments or for further information. 

Stay blessed! 

☎️ 0794965407

Monday, 5 August 2019

Goodbye winter & hello spring!

I'm back from Bali with renewed energy and fresh inspiration. I guess you cannot help to be rejuvenated if you visit a paradise like Bali. It always amazes me how going away on holiday takes you out of your routine and gets you moving and experience new things. Then once you come back to your routine, it's with a fresh perspective on what needs to change.

I am certainly filled with gratitude for safe travels, great company and many wonderful experiences. I wish I could spend every winter in Bali, with the best weather I have ever experienced during the month of July! One can dream right?

I'm not going to bore you with all of my fabulous holiday photos and stories, but if you are interested go to my Instagram or Facebook pages to have a look at them. There you will also see my completed 30 day watercolour challenge I participated in, during the World Watercolour month of July.

In other news...

NEW: Coming up...

I will be attending the new Davines Demi-permanent haircolour (#view) launch on the 19th of August. This superior quality acid based colour with an olive oil formula will offer countless benefits and colour service options to you the client. I am hoping to begin stocking it from September 2019. Watch this space for more information.

Please take note of the following important information notices:

📯 We have entered the last quarter of 2019. PLEASE BOOK YOUR NEXT APPOINTMENTS AHEAD TO ENSURE YOU GET THE BEST BOOKING FOR YOU! (If you are on Facebook you can now book your next appointment through the booking tab on my Facebook page! Just click on the blue link below to try it out now!


I am already filling up fast especially on weekends and over month-end periods because most of my clients have gotten into the habit of booking ahead.

The few days before Christmas is already almost fully booked, if you plan to go away in December, don't leave your appointment making till the last minute!

👉Also note I will be on leave again from 22 December until 7 January 2020!

I am looking forward to seeing you soon! Stay healthy and blessed!


Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Winter creative journey & Bali trip

Dear valued clients and friends,

I can't believe that the winter is already here and I am preparing to participate in the World Watercolour Month activities for the second time! It feels like yesterday that I attempted to participate in this 31 day challenge for the first time...

I still recall that I just started on my watercolour journey when this opportunity presented itself to me last year July, and I thought that I would never be able to see it through. To my amazement with the exception of a few busy days that I couldn't paint, I managed to complete the challenge and found my feet, so to speak, in the magical medium of watercolour.

Now a year later, I am amazed at my personal growth and I feel more grounded in my technique and ability than ever before. I credit this growth in my skillset to my daily practice and dedication to my craft.

To look back on my first full year as a water colourist, I  really invested a lot of time and some money into my craft to get my studio set-up improved. I got a studio table for my birthday in October last year, as well as getting better quality paint and brushes as the year progressed onwards. I was also blessed to be asked to do a few commissions and this boosted my confidence and provided the financial resources to upgrade my paper and paint again.

Now a year later I can really see my growth as an artist and I am also proud to say that I have been accepted into the International Watercolour Society of South Africa! I am already planning to begin working on my submission for next years exhibit and competition... more about that later, but watch this space!

But right now I am preparing for the world watercolour month and I have decided to get an early start because I will be travelling abroad during the final two weeks of this challenge.

To find out more about the World Watercolour Month simply click on the picture below or click here...

As you might already know, I will be travelling to Bali with my husband at the end of July, and I am looking forward to the opportunity to take some amazing photos for future paintings, as well as to explore this amazing island with my beloved and friends. If you still haven't made your appointment before I go, or for when I return, I suggest that you do so urgently to avoid disappointment. My travel dates are as follows:

20 July to 5 August.

I have limited space available just before I go and the week after I return is also almost fully booked... so please send me your booking WhatsApp message now to secure your spot.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon! Until then,  stay blessed and look out for my art sharing on my Instagram page as well as my Facebook page.

Love light!


Gideon Busquèt-Craucamp
Master Stylist
Creative coach

My webpage:
Find me on Facebook here:

📞 0794965407
By appointment only!

📍Salon Allure, 142A Tecoma street, Wonderboom, Pretoria, 0182.

Monday, 29 April 2019

Glam up this winter with my red hot special offer!

Hello to the month of May! I have some exciting news to share with you, so let's jump right in...

I announce my winter special offer today! Yes, I know that most of you are jumping up and down for joy! I know it's not fun to go out and have your hair done in the cold of winter,  but these red hot deals should keep you, your hair and your wallet warm! So what are the deals? Let me share the details:

Starting on Wednesday 1st May and ending on Wednesday 28th of August 2019! *This special is valid on Wednesdays only and prices exclude a haircut!

1: Root tint, treatment and blowdry for only *R650!
2. Half head HL, treatment and blowdry for only *R700!

*Terms and conditions apply! All extra colour or hair services will be charged at normal rates extra!
Book now to avoid dissapointment!

Next, I would like to remind you that I will be available on 1st of May on the public holiday for the launch of the winter special! But take note that I will be closed on the 8th of May for VOTING DAY! I sincerely hope that all of you will be at the voting polls to cast your vote!

Then lastly, I am keeping it short and sweet, a reminder that I will be away on leave to Cape town from the 29th of May to 4th of June! If you haven't scheduled your appointment yet, please do so urgently to avoid dissapointment!
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!

Yours sincerely,

Gideon Busquét-Craucamp
Master Stylist
Creative coach

📞 0794965407
By appointment only! Please leave a detailed voice message or Feel free to use whatsapp or messenger to book your appointment in the future! Voice notes are also welcome.
📍Salon Allure, 142A Tecoma street, Wonderboom, Pretoria, 0182.

Monday, 1 April 2019

Bathed in light...

The month of March has come and gone and as April makes it's entrance, so does autumn. One of my very favourite songs at the moment is "Playing  fields" singing its praises to the last summer days and I would love to share it with you here:

"Playing Fields
Softly, the end of summer
Gives us her last rays
To remember all the thunder
Of our glory days
Breaking through the clouds before us
Glimmers her last days
Oceans mirror
Light reflects horizons far away
Distance and time are moving
Gathering their speed
We are safe in here and now
This moment's all we need
We'll climb the highest mountain we can find
We'll never let the lights go down around us
When the day turns into night
Never let the sunset die
You can feel your spirit fly
We'll keep hold of every fading summer
Softly the end of summer
Gives us…"

Listen to the song here:

Or watch the video on YouTube

Isn't it beautiful?!

I am enjoying working on my current watercolour series entitled "bathed in light". This series focuses on flowers photographed in high contrast light and shadow, resulting in dramatic effects that showcases the subject in awesome colour....

If you are thinking of ordering a bespoke work of art, let me know, you might be pleasantly surprised to find out that original art can be quite affordable! Or if you are interested to purchase some of my published work, let me know!

I have also released a very easy watercolour course on my teachable platform. The difficulty level is easy and anyone can jump right in, no previous art skills or experience required!

I teach you how to use a silhouette to create a fun art project, and in this case we're painting the Cosmic Buddha! But, like I have said in the training, any silhouette can work if painting the Buddha is not your thing. Regardless its lots of fun so check it out here: Teachable

Lastly I would like to remind everyone that there are a number of public holidays during the month of April/May, including Easter weekend.

Please make your bookings as soon as possible to avoid disappointment as I won't be available for most of the public holidays with the exception of SATURDAY 27TH OF APRIL!  I AM WORKING ON THIS ONE!  So book now!

Easter weekend 19 to 22nd April - I'm not working! (Happy Easter!)

27th April - I am available from 8AM to 1PM! 

1st of May - I am not working!

Then please be reminded that I will be on leave from 29th of May till 4th of June!

I am looking forward to seeing you soon!

Available in salon now:

Yours sincerely,

Gideon Busquèt-Craucamp
Master Stylist
Creative coach

My webpage:
Find me on Facebook here:

📞 0794965407
By appointment only!

📍Salon Allure, 142A Tecoma street, Wonderboom, Pretoria, 0182.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Living in full colour, my 2019 trend spotting blog!

Well, 2019 is certainly on a roll as we enter the third month of the year! With autumn fast arriving, I have decided to take a good look at the top hair trends for 2019! So if you still feel unsure about what's hot and what's not, this can be your in-depth guide to the top trends for 2019!

One thing is for sure, if you are still walking around with the granny grey trend of 2016 you are certainly not in vogue! That trend has died three years ago already, and if you are still rinsing your hair with silver shampoo to keep your ash blond grey, its time to throw that bottle of shampoo away, because 2019 is here with a bang of warmth that is a 180 degree turn in the opposite direction!

I will begin this basic analysis of 2019 hair trends by revealing the colour for this year and the various other shades that is trending right now.

First up; the major colour trend for 2019 is a choral copper tone also called "living choral"! This hot copper has a pink bias and is all the rage, even in the make-up, cosmetics, paint and interior design sectors! What does this living choral colour look like? Well,  just gawk at this stunning hair colour by Davines! It is a golden blonde mixed with a mahogany red tone and a dash of violet that create this masterpiece! It sure is a statement colour, but then again 2019 is all about making bold statements!

But what if this living choral colour is not your cup of tea? It's funny that you should say that, because when the "granny grey" trend hit the runway, most of you said that you would never put that colour on your hair, and yet today it is still one of the longest lasting trends that is still seen on the main street claiming it's title as "street fasion"... I guess my question to you is, do you want to be a trend setter or a street-fasion follower? It's comfortable blending in with the masses, but it does take courage to stand out from the crowd!

So assuming you are ready to stand out from the crowd, let me show you the top 10 shades that can be used to step fully into 2019... Warm tones is definitely the way to update your colour from last season... and even if you have a cool skin tone there are a number of "in-between" shades that you can totally pull off this season. The secret is all in the undertones of the colour. Warm colours does not neccesarily mean copper or choral (also known as a double warm that contains yellow and orange tones), it ranges from a beige blond (a golden blond that is diffused with a touch of violet) all the way to a warm plum (a warmer violet achieved by adding a dash of red),  and with everything in-between! One thing is for sure, you are certainly not limited to just one colour!

Ok lets face it, cooler tones will always be "cool", and any hair colour that enhances your best feature is better than no colour at all right? My biggest criteria simply is that your hair be in a great condition and that it is shiny, healthy and well kept, because your hair is your biggest accessory and you wear it every day, so make every hair flip count! If you are struggling with poor hair condition,  dry scalp, limp lifeless hair, consider trying my new hair and scalp SPA treatment that will deal with all of these conditions BEFORE you consider changing your hair colour for best results! Hair condition remains the number one criteria for great looking hair!

Lets talk about the biggest hair cuts for 2019! Short crops and bobs are big news, and combined with the hot colour trends for 2019, will definitely be a bold statement. Weather straight, wavy or curly, the pixy cut is still trending on top!

The secret to this cut is that it can be adjusted to almost any facial shape and hair texture to suit its wearer. This is great if you have high cheek bones,  as this sexy crop will accentuate these features and will still keep it feminine and soft.

Next up is the short boys cut, and interpreting this "gents style" on your hair is not should never look hard. The secret is to still keep it soft and to steer away from clipping the back and sides with clippers, giving the look a hard edge... The strong side parting and volume in the fringe area,  will add to the softness and keeping it low on the crown is  essential to the succes of this look!  Avoid making the crown "round" in the traditional sense and try to achieve a more square shape overall. In this way you capture this masculine style in a feminine manner. Keep the style blow dried with volume in the front and use a pomade to keep the style in place.

Speaking of styling, short hairstyles might seem hard to keep looking great each day, but the secret is all in using the correct styling aids. Hairspray is not your only option! I stock the MORE INSIDE styling range from Davines that works with clean resin technology,  ensuring your hair does what it is supposed to do without the dirty tacky feeling of other brands. Armed with various styling products you can change the way you wear your short crop from day to day! It's all about stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying out something new. Ask me to demonstrate how you can change your look with the addition of a few styling aids with your next salon visit!

Medium to longer styles really remain unchanged and the best way to update longer hair is with a punch of colour and the additionof a fringe! The good news is that Davines will be launching a fabulous new line of demi-permanent acid based hair colour in August this year that will infuse your hair with rich lasting colour without any damaging effects! So stay tuned to learn more about this a bit later this winter of 2019!

In the meantime I am looking forward to seeing you all in the salon soon! I have just extended my contract for another year and I am very excited to begin my 3rd year at Salon Allure already! How time flies!
Remember that I now have a great hair & scalp spa treatment that deals with a dry lifeless scalp and hair, and for R550 you can be rejuvenated and pampered into new life and growth! Simply ask me for more details about this treatment!

My weekday combo deals still make it the best bargain for maintaining your hair at a fixed rate! Make sure to book your next appointment before you leave the salon to ensure you have your next appointment especially if you can only see me on Saturdays!

*New: Did you know you can now book your next appointment yourself using my Facebook page? This is super easy and fast. Try it now! Click on BOOK NOW  to try it now!

Then last but not least, please take note that I will be away on leave on the following dates: 29 May to 4 June I'll be in Cape town and 20 July to 5 August I'll be on honeymoon in Balli! Make your hair appointments now to avoid disappointment during these periods!

Stay blessed!
