For the month of November, I would like to take the opportunity to write a bit about the 3rd aspect of my business. As you know my business is called Gideonslight Hair, Art & Soul! Each month I try to zoom in on one of these areas of my life purpose and to share some insight into that particular area of expertise. So last month I focused on the HAIR (or salon) aspect of my business, and this month I want to focus a bit in the SOUL. Is it well with your soul?
As you might know I am a deeply spiritual individual , and both my spiritual focus as well as my counselling is deeply grounded in universal truths that reach beyond the limiting parameters of religion. I deeply respect the beliefs of others, and since I have walked such a wide veriety of paths on my personal spiritual journey, I find it very easy to pray with the Christian, to meditate with the Buddhist, to do assanas with the Yogi and to chant with the Hindu. I am deeply grateful that my personal understanding and experience of the Great Divine has transcended my once narrow and fear based belief system. I also believe that this grounded faith is what helps me to be a better counsellor and coach.
With that said, I wanted to share this bit of information so that you as the reader can understand why I find it so easy to talk with such a wide audience. As a Logotherapeutic counsellor, it is my purpose to help people to find meaning in their life situation, whether it is to find their life purpose and to pursue it, or whether it is to accept the tragedies that is part of life, or wether it is simply to find meaning in the tasks that life is presenting them with at this time.
One of the principles that we as logotherapists adhere to is the understanding that deep spiritual meaning can only come from within the individual itself, and can never be forced onto anyone. Using this as a personal guideline, I have always been able to strike a deep balance in sharing what I call "Universal truths" with individuals, because I believe that some principles are recognised and practised by all people from all faiths, and these principles becomes the universal glue that binds us all together as one huge human family, under the grace and care of the Great Divine Spirit.
Some of these principles are that of love, forgiveness, acceptance, tollerance, grace, peace, goodwill, kindness, compassion and unity. Of course there are much more, but these are simple examples of what I mean by universal truth.
So I wanted to share very briefly how my business name came to be. WHY GIDEONSLIGHT? What does it mean? My life journey has always had a deeply spiritual theme, and a number of years ago I reached rock bottom after a devastating career experience. Without going into too much detail here, I made a series of personal choices that entrapped me in a viscous cycle of financial behavior that in the end ended up costing me my job. For the first time I was unemoloyed, drowning in debt and with no one to turn to for help. The only way out was to go within... to become brutally honest with myself, and to take a good look in the mirror of my life experience.
My spiritual journey deepened and as the one miracle after the other unfolded in my life, I became deeply aware of my true authentic self. As I unlearned the social conditioning, and as I let go of the opinions of others, I was able to zoom in on that still quiet voice within that was always guiding me towards the peace and clarity that I was seeking.
On one particular morning, after reading my daily lesson from A COURSE IN MIRACLES I came to the deeper realisation and understanding of my true nature and I experienced the essence of being. It was a deeply emotional and healing experience to say the least. But in that instant I understood that I was created in the image and likeness of my Creator, and that the same light that was eminating from the Source of all Life, was also eminating from me. In that instant Gideonslight was born as I confessed out loud with my mouth, "I am the light of the world!" It is a profound realisation that I hope everyone will realise in time, that each of us is a unique expression of Divine Light made manifest to walk the earth! What an amazing and beautiful understanding!
One of my favorite quotes of Marrianne Williamson (teacher of ACIM) is:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us."
So my "awakening" and liberation came as I accepted and embraced my own darkness for what is was, in order to allow my light, my true self to shine through, unedited, unempeded and unapologetic! I am that I am! I am Gideon, and through me the Divine light is eminating, and that equals Gideonslight!
When people confide in me, or come to see me for counseling, I hear in essence the same root problem over and over again. I see self absorbed unconsciousness. In this state of ego posession, it is all about the ME or I. Nothing and no one is more important, and all of the drama that brings people to me for counselling originates in this limited perseption of self. Poor me!
The healing can only begin once you are willing to look into the mirror and see yourself as you truly are. When you are willing to let go of blame, shame, anger, resentment and expectations. When we strip away the entitlement and pride. When we reach rock bottom, and the dark night of the soul decends on you, rejoice! Because the dawning of a new era is upon you! This is how I was able to heal! This is how I survived my dark night of my soul. This is how I remembered to be autentic and to take responsibility for my choices and actions. This is how I shifted from the victim to the victor! This is how I claimed back my power to live a life with meaning and purpose!
The worm that is undergoing complete transfiguration within the darkness of the cocoon does not surender to dispair... it surenders in faith that the Divine knows best. It surrenders and trusts the process, and out of that cocoon emerges a butterfly!
That is personal transformation. That is my biggest aim with my coaching, counselling and all other aspect of Soul that I present.
If you feel entrapped in a dark night, or you simply need a guide in the darkness of your life, I am there for you! I offer one-on-one counseling both at Salon Allure or at my home in Silverton. I charge R250 per hour. I am also willing to come to you, but there will be extra charges for petrol.
I also offer art therapy sessions, creative life coaching and Reiki healing journeys. These are all offered at R350 per hour.
Feel free to contact me if you would like yo book a session.
My qualifications in this field are as follows:
*Christian Theology and Pastoral counseling (ASM) National Certificate.
*Reiki/Karuna Ki Master Degree
*Lifeline Personal Growth & Counseling Certificate with 2 years volunteer service at Lifeline Center in Watermeyer.
*Intermediate Logotherapy Certificate (UNISA)(VFISA)
*Creatively fit Coach (CCFC)
It is my prayer and wish that it is well with your soul! As we enter the silly season of the year so many people feel overwhelmed and lonely. December is the month with the highest suicide statistics. Remember you are not alone, reach out and ask for help when you need it!
Stay well! See you soon!
Stand a chance to *win my new hair and scalp spa pamper treatment packadge worth R550 absolutely free!
📯Three lucky clients who follow me on Facebook, Instagram and who read my monthly blog will stand a chance to win this wonderful prize. Here is how to enter...
👉 Visit my Facebook page, and use the review option on my page and write me a great referral.
👉 Go to my Instagram and follow me. You will find me easily by using my personal hashtag #Gideonslight
👉 Lastly follow and read my BLOG; (my blog link is on top of your appointment confirmation notice each time you book, as well as on all my social media pages) 👇COMMENT on the following 3 months publishing's and FIND THE CLUES in the blog that will reveal the answer to THAT MONTHS QUESTION in that edition. Leave your ANSWER IN A COMMENT at the end of the blog. You will find the Question under the COMPETITION SECTION in my blog.
📯Succesful entrants will go through to the lucky draw on 16 December 2018!
🔖What are the three different aspects of my business? Name all three. Leave your NAME & answer as a comment below this blog.
*Terms and conditions apply!
In order to get your name selected for the lucky draw, you must comply with ALL the requirements above!
Yours sincerely,
Gideon Busquet-Craucamp
Master Stylist
Reiki Master
Creative Coach
Find me on Facebook here:
📞 0794965407 by appointment only!
📍Salon Allure, 142A Tecoma street, Wonderboom, Pretoria, 0182.